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Elga Kassebaum aus Dubai
Das Thema Wertschätzung liegt mir sehr am Herzen, besonders, wenn man wie ich, in einem Land lebt, in dem Hunde als haram (unrein) angesehen werden und keinerlei Wertschätzung geniessen.

Und meine ganzen Aktivitäten sind darauf ausgerichtet einerseits Tieren, die notleidend sind meine ganze Unterstützung zu geben und andererseits das Image von Hunden durch Publikationen und beeindruckende Präsentation meiner Tiere zu steigern

Elga Kassebaum, Dubai

Happy End for litte Einstein:

It all began when my maid called me on the phone, wanting to know whether I was expecting a dog…
The bell had rung, in front of our gate stood a young Emirati in the process of unloading a puppy, a pet cage, pet food, and a dog’s bed. All this was a gift for Madam, he explained to my astounded girl. Instantly alarmed, I instructed the maid: “By all means, don’t accept anything!” The man was to return at night, when I would be home. After that call I felt pretty uneasy.
At 8 p.m. sharp, the young man reappeared at our gate -- this time without the dog. Politely he introduced himself as my client’s son-in-law who had recently moved into a neighboring villa. Upon his urging, I followed him to his home and met his young wife…plus the sweetest little Yorky I had ever seen. And now was I given the full story: His wife had bought the puppy at a Dubai pet shop and proudly taken him home…but obviously she had not reckoned with her mother who threatened: Neither she herself nor any member of the family would set foot into the young couple’s villa as long as the dog was present…
In the end, the poor little Yorkie was taken to a pet chalet where he stayed as a boarder over three months. After this, the young couple picked him up and took him back home…but again the family raised hell. With tears in her eyes, the young Emirati woman had to give up her doggie. But she wanted to make sure he was going to be treated really well. Of course, she knew people who would take the puppy, but she wanted to see the little chap in truly loving hands. As a neighbor, she had obviously watched our ways with our Chihuahuas and our Standard Poodle. So she had decided to entrust me with the life, love and responsibility for her beloved Darling.
As a result, I went home that evening with yet another little family addition. And surprise, the Yorkie turned out to be highly intelligent, with lightning speed he adjusted to his new life and surroundings, lapping up the rules as if he had done this all his life.
Of course, the “men” in our house were now definitely in the majority, and sometimes I literally feared for my stressed Chihuahua girl.
In the end, I found the ideal home for my little newcomer darling… la vie en rose in Germany, where dear friends of ours wanted to take him in--, a couple without children who were crazy about the little chap. After three-and-a-half months, I personally transported the little chap aboard a Lufthansa aircraft to Frankfurt, Germany. And, most amazing, he took all of this most playfully and enjoyed every in-flight minute.
Meanwhile, Yorkie answers to a new name: Einstein… he is so amazingly intelligent. Sometimes he even accompanies his mistress, a top manageress, on business trips and charms her business partners; some chief editors even go down on their knees - they would probably not do that for a man – to cuddle and stroke him. Lately, Einstein has even taken to modeling, just for fun, even though his favorite food “’Caesar”” is high budget.
He also accompanies his new master on regular nightly trips to an old-age home to visit his ailing mother who used to be depressed and apathetic… now she smiles and laughs happily when Einstein greets her enthusiastically. And not only she, many of the home residents eagerly await Einstein’s appearances. To them, he has become a therapeutic dog, with his charming ways he manages to lift the general mood, and everybody loves him.
Yes, there finally has been a happy ending for the little chap, thanks to the thoughtful and responsible Local Lady.  Life can be wonderful at both ends…..and I have a dream…I truly wish for a happy ending for all of our furry friends, whether they are stray, crossbreeds or pedigree, they all deserve the best.

.......have to say goodbye to my foster mom now.
She always promised me a bright future – thank you lots and lots
